You’ve done a lot of work to get to this point. Now it’s finally here! You’re about ready to do what you, presumably, are launching a website to do: publish content so that you can build a relationship with an audience. But before you hit publish on that first piece of content, here are three important questions to consider first.
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Here is a quick rundown of what you’ll find in this episode:
- An explanation for why it took us so long to get to actually publishing content
- Why the pursuit of perfection can actually do more harm than good for your audience-building efforts
- The tricky balance you have to strike when it comes to creating publish-ready content
- Why it’s so important that your headline be more than just good
- The 50/50 rule, the 80/20 rule, and the 4 U’s
- Why you need to stop and assess the reader experience before hitting publish, and how to do it properly
Resources and links mentioned in this episode:
- Writing Headlines That Get Results — by Brian Clark
Other links of note:
- Try StudioPress Sites
- Sites Weekly Newsletter
- Subscribe to Sites on Apple Podcasts
- Contact Jerod:
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