Update to Genesis Framework 2.10 right now!
This update adds WP-CLI commands, improved navigation, increased visibility into Genesis plugins, and easier access to the settings and features.
New WP-CLI Commands
Genesis 2.10 introduces new WP-CLI commands that help automate tasks such as checking for updates to the framework or completing a database upgrade after an update has occurred.
New commands include:
- wp genesis setting get – will retrieve the value of a Genesis setting
- wp genesis setting update – will update the value of a Genesis setting, and
- wp genesis db version – retrieves the current database version of Genesis installed on a site.
Check out thefull list of commands.
Access Genesis Plugins
We now include a “Genesis Plugins” link under the Genesis admin menu. Users will be able to install and activate plugins straight from their dashboard.
One-Click Theme Setup
Genesis 2.8 introduced the One-Click Theme Setup function which provides users with more control of the demo installation process.
Version 2.10 allows developers to specify which plugins and content should be installed and activated in their custom themes, and if they decide to not have content or plugins installed, the steps simply won’t show up.
This is a convenient way to customize sites and is particularly useful for theme builders or digital agencies building custom themes for their customers.
Moving to The Customizer
Genesis 2.10 will begin the process, as previously mentioned, of moving Genesis settings management to the WordPress Customizer. Rather than having their own pages, theme and SEO settings will now appear in the customize window within WP-admin.
Learn More about Genesis 2.10
Genesis owners should see the update right now in your dashboard. As always, you can also see all of the up-to-date changes being made to Genesis by checking out our changelog.
This blog was originally posted on Studiopress.com This post is in no way associated with Kembel.ca. For more posts by this author, please click here.