If you’re reading this, you’re probably a Genesis user. And if you’re a Genesis user, you should check out Genesis 2.3 beta! We’ve been hard at work knocking out bugs, making little improvements, and making tweaks to the way Genesis works, and we’ve love for you to give it a test drive before 2.3 goes public next week.
During this development cycle, and based on the suggestion (behest?) of Gary Jones, we’ve kept a detailed changelog so you can know exactly what has changed in 2.3, and what you should be focusing on during your testing. You can check out that list below.
- Allow custom post classes on Ajax requests to account for endless scroll.
- Remove the top buttons (save and reset) from Genesis admin classes.
- Remove right float on admin buttons (settings screens, etc.).
- Change “Save Settings” to “Save Changes”, as WordPress core does.
- Use version constant rather than database setting for reporting theme version in Settings.
- Use sfHover for superfish hover state.
- Apply identifying class to entry image link.
- Prevent empty footer widgets markup.
- Prevent empty spaces in entry footer of CPTs.
- Trim filtered value of entry meta.
- Add a toolbar link to edit CPT archive settings.
- Add filter for the viewport meta tag value.
- Add shortcodes for site title and home link.
- Update and simplify favicon markup for the modern web.
- Prevent author shortcode from outputting empty markup when no author is assigned.
- Disable author box on entries where post type doesn’t support author.
- Change the label on the update setting to reflect what it actually does, check for updates.
- Add filters for Genesis default theme support items.
- Update theme tags.
- Enable after entry widget area for all post types via post type support.
- Hide layout selector when only one layout is supported.
- Disable author shortcode output if author is not supported by post type.
- Improve image size retreival function and usage.
- Add ability to specify post ID when using genesis_custom_field().
- Update to normalize.css 4.1.1
- Add admin notice when Genesis is activated directly.
- Removed unnecessary warning from theme description in style.css.
- Use TinyMCE for archive intro text input.
- Allow foreign language characters in content limit functions.
- Pass entry image link through markup API.
- Add a11y to the paginaged post navigation.
- Allow adjacent single entry navigation via post type support.
- Fix issue with no sitemap when running html5 and no a11y support for 404 page.
- Added relative_depth parameter to date shortcodes.
- Exclude posts page from page selection dropdown in Featured Page widget.
If you aren’t already running the Genesis Beta Tester plugin, go ahead and install it and “update” to Genesis 2.3 Beta. Give it a whirl over the next week and feel free to send any bug reports to our support team, or you can simply give me a shout on Twitter (@nathanrice) and I’ll look into it (and give you a virtual high 5 as thank you).
This blog was originally posted on Studiopress.com This post is in no way associated with Kembel.ca. For more posts by this author, please click here.