Hot on the heels of Genesis 2.8, today we are releasing the beta for Genesis 2.9!
Read on to discover the highlights of this latest update to Genesis.
Child theme efficiency improvements
Child themes should ideally be as lean as possible. So, with that in mind, Genesis can now do a couple of things that child themes used to have to do on their own.
Genesis will now use the child theme data from the header of the style.css file, rather than the CHILD_THEME_* constants it used previously.
Child themes can also now use a config file to import ideal default settings during activation.
New child theme one-click demo install options
In Genesis 2.8, we introduced a new one-click demo install that child themes could use to import a demo/sample homepage with content pre-populated.
And while homepage content is definitely a good start, we know importing other types of content is important too.
Now, with 2.9, if a child theme supports it, you can import even more content such as a sample menu, example blog posts, and featured images, right after you activate the theme.
You can see the one-click demo install feature in action by using the Genesis Sample child theme beta, currently available on our Github. Install the Genesis Beta plugin from here.
Get all the details
We keep a detailed changelog for each release. The changelog for Genesis 2.9 can be found here.
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