When people research restaurants for a nice dinner out, they head to the web. And if you want them to end up inside of your restaurant, then you need to make a strong, positive impression when they are on your website.
Enter Café Pro — the newest StudioPress theme for the Genesis Framework.
Café Pro combines elements of our two most popular child themes — Parallax and Foodie — to create the quintessential design solution for not just restaurants, but for any brick and mortar business looking to create a captivating presence online.
What makes Café Pro such an effective design solution for brick and mortar businesses?
First, the full screen background images that are featured on the home page. It is easy to set up and allows you to showcase your business through beautiful photography and dynamic effects.
Second, the pricing table widget allows you to showcase menu items (as shown in the demo) or any other listing of features and benefits that would help show the value your business delivers.
Third, all relevant information that needs to be on every page of your site — contact info, address, hours of operation, etc. — can be included easily, you just set it and forget it, using the convenient footer widgets.
This is essential not only for local SEO, but also for converting web browsers into real-life, in-the-flesh visitors to your establishment.
And of course, there’s more — so you can see for yourself. Take a look at the demo here, and see if Café Pro is the right theme to take your brick and mortar business’ online presence to the next level.
The Café Pro theme for Genesis was designed by Lauren Mancke.
This blog was originally posted on Studiopress.com This post is in no way associated with Kembel.ca. For more posts by this author, please click here.