Modern Photography was looking for an SEO driven website. She was already on WordPress and had good traffic but her SERP scores weren’t helping. This site was started right at the heart of a photography boom in Calgary. Her ranks were slowing down and so has her leads. This site has a lot of internal linking and auto content generation. It has machine learning (almost AI) to auto-populate content by regions to her photoshoots.
- Home
- Portfolios
- Modern Photography
About Jamie Kembel
Jamie Kembel is the primary designer and programmer behind
Jamie has been building websites and dominating results in Google for more than a decade. Jamie's background supporting small businesses and increasing revenue is supported by his tenure as an executive ownership partner for Canada's largest electronics retailer.
Jamie has earned hands-on experience in branding, marketing, and successful online best-practices.
"It isn't about "getting a website". It is about branding, developing and even more importantly... maintaining an online presence for your company."