We just released a big update to our most popular plugin, Simple Social Icons!
Version 3.0 brings better customization options for all and an important change for developers using custom CSS to override icon appearance in their child themes.
Set custom icon styling for each widget
You can now set custom icon colors, sizes, and hover states for each widget. Edit the widget’s color and size settings, and styling will apply to that widget only. (Thank you for the highly sought after improvement, Damien!)
Disable custom icon styling in your child themes
Are you a developer using custom CSS in your child theme to override icon appearance in one or more widget areas? You should use this new filter in your theme code:
add_filter( ‘simple_social_disable_custom_css’, ‘__return_true’ );
This prevents output of new Simple Social Icons CSS that may conflict with your theme’s custom icon styling. It also removes icon styling settings from all Simple Social Icons widgets, leaving you to write your own icon CSS for all widget areas without fear of confusion or conflict.
The base plugin stylesheet for icons is still enqueued unless you choose to dequeue it, so you can extend those styles if you wish instead of writing icon CSS from scratch.
Transparent icon backgrounds
Want a colored icon without a background? Leave the background color empty in the color picker, and the icon background will now be transparent. (Thank you, Kathy!)
Obscuring links from spammers, better markup, and more…
Simple Social Icons 3.0 also includes better markup for links opened in new windows, an updated Medium icon, a markup filter, and other improvements.
Upgrade or Contribute, Now
The update is available now, so you can upgrade or download from the WordPress plugins page to get started with the enhancements.
Developers, see the changelog on the Simple Social Icons GitHub page, where you’re welcome to contribute your code, comments, or requests.
This blog was originally posted on Studiopress.com This post is in no way associated with Kembel.ca. For more posts by this author, please click here.