Welcome to another edition of Sites Weekly.
Let’s begin this week with two recent posts from Copyblogger that contain essential information you need to know.
The first is from Sonia Simone, who clearly articulates the important difference between features and benefits. The lines about Jimmy Choo shoes and hybrid cars sum up the differences perfectly.
Even if you’ve been creating content for a while, and know the difference between features and benefits, it can be easy to fall into the feature trap with your copy. Be proactive in avoiding it. Let Sonia’s post serve as a usual reminder.
The second post I want to direct your attention toward is one I wrote about SEO called 3 Important SEO Steps to Take Right Away.
The big idea is to split up the term SEO into its components — search, engine, and optimization — and dig deep to understand how they each work individually and together.
Consider those bonus links for the week.
Now on to this week’s four links about each of the pillars of a successful WordPress website …
Content: Are each of these elements part of your content strategy?
Hey, speaking of features and benefits, this blog post from Jeff Bullas discusses the importance of accentuating benefits as well. It’s #6.
Overall, it’s a useful overview of how to approach your content strategy.
#3 is the one I know but sometimes forget. So I appreciated the reminder.
7 Ways to Create Better Content Simply By Understanding Your Customers
Design: Inspiration is everywhere
When I first clicked on this link and started scrolling, I thought, “Oops, this isn’t really going to work for Sites Weekly.”
But then I kept scrolling …
And I found myself having flashes of ideas for my own sites as I looked at the featured designs. Besides, scrolling and looking at gorgeous designs can be a nice mental break.
So go ahead. Click and scroll. See if these designs give you any inspiration for your own website.
The experience can be a reminder to always keep your eyes open and receptive to inspiration, because it’s everywhere.
Learn From What You See: It All Starts With Inspiration
Technology: Voice-controlled devices are here to stay
I don’t have an Amazon Alexa or Google Home device yet. I feel a bit unnerved every time I think about those devices constantly listening to everything going on inside of my home.
But I have a realistic enough view of the future to know that we’ll eventually get one. I’ll have to deal with my misgivings.
So I found this blog post from NewsCred very interesting.
You’ll notice that many of the examples are big brands. This is because the technology is still new and the big brands can actually afford the investment in content optimized for voice devices. But as the adoption rate hikes, the technology will likely trickle down and become easier.
Bottom line: we’re all eventually going to need to understand how to create content that works for voice-controlled devices. So we might as well get a head start thinking about it.
Content Marketing in the Era of Voice-Controlled Devices
Strategy: Is your business a taxi or a cruise ship?
Here is another little ditty of brilliance from Seth Godin.
I have nothing useful to add. Just read it, and give it some thought.
So …
Which of the ideas in these posts will you put to good use immediately?
I’ll be back with a new edition next week.
Keep building.
This blog was originally posted on Studiopress.com This post is in no way associated with Kembel.ca. For more posts by this author, please click here.