If you are a creative agency looking to showcase your portfolio to potential clients, the Studio Pro Theme by Seo Themes is the perfect solution.
Studio Pro allows you to customize each page with its own hero image by simply setting a featured image. Just upload your own video or a YouTube URL for the background.
In addition, you can create responsive galleries in minutes with an automatic lightbox applied to gallery items, enable a sticky header with a second logo image that stays fixed at the top of the screen, or create icon boxes, calls to action, counters, and more — all with lightweight WordPress widgets.
If you need to build an online shop, Studio Pro is WooCommerce-ready and has been designed to seamlessly match the rest of your website.
Studio Pro also includes a number of features that makes this a must-have theme for your creative business:
- A mobile-responsive design that looks amazing wherever it’s viewed
- Custom gradients to complement your background images
- WooCommerce-ready to help you build and showcase your shop
- Masonry grid to showcase your portfolio
- Ample navigation — create the menu system that fits your layout
- Airtight security and SEO so you can rest easy
Get the Studio Pro Theme by Seo Themes.
This blog was originally posted on Studiopress.com This post is in no way associated with Kembel.ca. For more posts by this author, please click here.