Work on Genesis continues! Here are some of the highlights of the 2.10 Beta. As always, you can try the beta out by installing the plugin.
Automate with New WP-CLI Commands
If you’re a developer who loves Genesis and also enjoys using WP-CLI to manage your site, things are about to get a whole lot easier.
Genesis 2.10 introduces a few key WP-CLI commands that should help you with common tasks like checking the current version of Genesis, upgrading, and managing theme settings.
For a list of new commands, see the updated documentation.
Easily Install Genesis Plugins
Chances are, you’ve probably used one of the many Genesis plugins available on But the process for finding official plugins from the StudioPress team and installing them on your site has been a little difficult in the past.
In Genesis 2.10, if you look under the Genesis admin menu, you’ll see a new link, “Genesis Plugins”.
This new link will allow you to view and install, right from your dashboard, the most popular plugins StudioPress has created.
Moving to the Customizer
As we reported previously, Genesis 2.10 will begin the process of moving our settings management to the WordPress Customizer. The Genesis Settings and SEO Settings admin menu links now take you to the appropriate customizer panel, where you can manage your settings just as before.
We think this move will help make your Genesis experience more consistent with the way you’re already managing your WordPress site, as well as making the process for registering and exposing settings far more simple.
Get all the details
We keep a detailed changelog for each release. The changelog for Genesis 2.10 can be found here.
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